
I book like, 300+ hotel nights a year... because we live in hotels. Thus, I've gotten pretty good at finding hotel deals. But I thought I would give the step by step of how I prioritize what in the booking process.

This isn't a hard rule I live by but more of a pattern. Allow me to explain how points, cash, BRGs, mistake fares, and the search engines fit into this. And in what order I look for them.

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My wife says , "seeking justice is okay, but not simply justice for yourself."

Status holders, hotel reviewers, and pro-consumers suck at this. It is wrong to set out seeking justice so you can reap benefits and stroke your own ego. All in the name of your status but hurting people on the side. These people suck. I've felt this way for a while.

And you know what? It takes one to know one.

Recently, I made a complaint about a hotel on TA and when the manager asked to speak to me, I told myself I would take no compensation. I...

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It has been such a surprise to hear how many people connect with this blog because they too do/desire full time travel. Soon, we'll have our site launched where you can keep track of every single expense that we make and learn from the deals we pursue.

People have well learned how to rack up a million miles, which could easily get two people to 6 continents around the world (it could be done for under 160,000 miles). And when people think about a year of travel, they worry about the hotel stays.

But at the very least, you could...

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Best Western used to have this awesome Best Rate Guarantee. And then they took it away, then brought it back. And when I wrote my recent post on the Master List of Hotel Best Rate Guarantees, I checked Best Western's, and there was none. None at all.

However, after I posted it, Jess commented telling me about the $100 Gift Card policy for Best Western BRGs. Well, sure enough, it's back. Below I'll explain some of the details and rules. But essentially, if you find a lower rate they match it and give you a $100 "Travel Card" good...

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